Following my own narrative

Sophia Hembeck
5 min readNov 4, 2020

The Muse Letter №2

I’m sitting at my laptop killing ideas. I do so because nothing seems good enough right now to start off this weeks Muse Letter. You don’t know this but you’re reading — I think this is my fifth or sixth try — and if you’re lucky this will actually be the thing that you are reading right now. Or not. In case I find it to trivial to break the fourth wall of my internet drama. Then something else will be written here.

I wanted this letter to be about “Serendipity” meaning if you’re not familiar with the word: The occurrence of an unplanned fortunate discovery.

I promised that in my last letter because I’ve been intending, I’ve been wanting to write about it for so long. Because the idea fascinates me and helps me creatively (usually) and I wanted to pass that on to you but now I’m not sure how to go on about it. How to explain what I’m actually doing when I’m trying not to control things too much, hence the unplanned–ness. When I’m waiting for the words to come out, for the thoughts to form sentences to make a connection with you, to create a coherent piece but I’m finding it difficult to let go of the preconceptions and my need to tell you how great it is if you let things flow and not try to control everything but also I need to control this text a little bit otherwise where will this lead?

